Calvary Temple Staff

Here are just a few of the friendly faces you’ll meet when you stop in at Calvary Temple at 400 Hargrave St. There are a ton of staff there so I won’t post all the photos but just a little sneak peak.  These people have become like family to me.  I have worked with many of them when I was on staff helping out there a few times. They are solid people. Love everyone of them.


Derek, media ministries. This guy knows his stuff!

Pastor Trevor, beyond and young adult pastor. Trev and his wife Melanie have been a huge part of Dave and I’s life. Not too sure where we would be without them.

Joe, youth Pastor. There is always something new and exciting Joe is doing with the youth. Find them on facebook….Switch youth ministries.

Armondo, custodian supervisor…always has a smile on his face!

Funnest person to tease award….Glen, property manager.

Erna…Pastor’s Martin’s assistant. Where would he be without you??

Zonia…administration assistant. I know how much the pastoral team appreciates you!

Kathryn Anne….keeps things in tip top order over there!! She is one hard worker.

Pastor Lois….loved my time assisting her. This lady is sooo full of knowledge. I loved picking her brain about all her organic cooking, cleaning and living ideas!

Pastor Sari-Kids Pastor. This girl has so much passion for what she does….

Pastor Martin…this man has one big heart for the people of Winnipeg.

These guys are the best custodian staff ever. So happy, helpful and a bunch of goof balls!

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Hey, I'm Jodi. I've been doing photography for over 15 years. I have three beautiful children, the most supportive husband, a dog Ranger, two cats and chickens. Click here to read more.



